Liu Haijiang was awarded in the Commendation Congress for fighting COVID-19 epidemic in Shandong Province.
November 16, 2020

Recently, the Commendation Congress for fighting COVID-19 epidemic in Shandong Province was held. Liu Haijiang was awarded the title of "Shandong Advanced Individual in Fighting the COVID-19 Epidemic" and "Shandong Outstanding Communist Party Member".

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Liu Haijiang was appointed to participate in the joint working group from the end of March and flew to the UK to perform tasks. During the period, he had one-on-one conversations with 47 international students, provided medical assistance to 8 international students, gave answers to the questions raised by the parents of 17 international students, and left all the protective equipment needed for basic protection to the local students before his return. Together with relevant personnel, they designed and distributed special questionnaires and wrote research reports. After returning to China, he continued to participate in the “paired service” program to support students studying in the UK to fight the epidemic.

Translated by Guo Liying

Reviewed by He Peilin

Edited by Jia Bingbo