The Third Session of the Academic Salon on Enhancing the Scientific Research Ability of Young Scholars Was Held.
October 30, 2020

On the afternoon of October 29th,the Social Science Division of SDNU held the third session of the academic salon in Qianfoshan Campus. Li Zonggang, director of editorial department of Journal of Liberal Arts of SDNU was invited to share his experience on improving young scholars’ scientific research ability and Liu Xingbo, deputy director of Social Science Division presided over the salon.

Li said that only when one loved academic could one pursue it. He also shared some strategies to improve research ability based on his own experience. He believed that young scholars should strive to cultivate the ability to think independently. Finally, he encouraged young scholars to devote themselves to research and experience a process of accumulation and cultivation, so as to be gradually accepted and recognized by the academic community.

Liu Xingbo thanked professor Li’s wonderful share and expressed that the Social Science Division would seriously listen to the young scholars’ suggestions, in order to strengthen the management of scientific research work and set up a high-quality platform for the school of humanities and social science research work.

Translated by Zhang Guowen

Reviewed by Zheng Tong

Edited by Jia Bingbo