SDNU Holds Pre-job Training for New Counselors.
September 2, 2020

On August 31st, the pre-job training ceremony for new counselors in 2020 was held in Yinghua Building, Changqinghu Campus. Man Baoyuan, vice president, attended the ceremony and made a speech. The ceremony was presided over by Li Pengjian, director of the Student Work Department.

On behalf of SDNU, Man Baoyuan welcomed the new counselors, emphasizing that being a counselor should be full of sense of responsibility and mission, and strive to become a life mentor and friend for students to grow up and lead a healthy life.Man Baoyuan also put forward some requirements for new counselors to participate in the training.

At the opening ceremony, all the new counselors took the oath and solemnly read the counselor's oath under the leadership of Gao Wei, director of the academic work Office and secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School of Information Science and Engineering.The new counselors were given "Student Handbook", books on student education and management, and a collection of counselors' work cases.