The Grass-roots Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party SDNU Donated Teaching Materials.
August 25, 2020

From August 16thto 17th, the grass-roots committee of the Democratic Progressive Party Shandong Normal University went to Liangshan County of Jining City to donate the teaching materials.

On the morning of the 16th, a ceremony for donating teaching materials to Shaohua Middle School in Liangshan County was held . Comrades from the Shandong Provincial Party Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party Committee, the United Front Work Department of the Liangshan County, the Education and Sports Bureau of Liangshan County, and the United FrontWork Department of SDNU.At the ceremony, Zhang Jinghuan, chairman of the grass-rootsof the Democratic Progressive Party Committee, donated 1500 desks and chairs to Shaohua Middle School.