SDNU Investigates the Integration of Industry and Education.
August 3, 2020

On July 9th and 10th, the relevant department heads and relevant experts and representatives of SDNU participated in the “Conference on Joint Development of University and Enterprise” in Boxing Jingbo Holding Group in Binzhou City. SDNU carried out investigations on such issues as industry-university-research cooperation, construction of teaching training and scientific research transformation base, and innovative practical education for college students.

The research group visited the applied chemistry, chemical engineering, agriculture and biology, health care real estate and other industries under Jingbo Holding Group successively. The two sides exchanged views on promoting the development of technology application and industrial practice, the transformation of scientific research achievements, the innovation of teaching organization mode, the enrichment of collaborative education mechanism, the establishment of scientific research transformation and innovation base, and the sharing of practical training platform for the integration of industry and education.

“Deepening the integration of industry-education and university-enterprise cooperation” is the task and requirement of the 19th CPC National Congress. In recent years, based on its own reality, SDNU has been actively integrating resources to promote the integration of industry and education, promote the transformation of scientific research achievements, and cultivate innovative application talents.