A High-level Forum on the Study of English Ethnic Literature and the Construction of Foreign Literature Discipline Was Held.
July 23, 2020

On July 1st, the "High-level Forum on the Study of English Ethnic Literature and the Construction of Foreign Literature Discipline" was held both online and offline. Zeng Qingliang, President of Shandong Normal University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.Experts and scholars from more than 10 universities, including the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Shanghai International Studies University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, participated in the online conference through Tencent Meeting.

At the opening ceremony, Zeng Qingliang hoped that, through such a high-level academic exchange platform, Chinese foreign language and literature research could be pushed to a new height.

Wang Zhuo, Director of the School of foreign languages and editor in chief of Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, reported the development of the School's disciplines and the planning of discipline construction, and presided over the stage of experts’ speech.