School of Life Sciences Conducted the First Live Streaming of the course of Zoology Experiment Outdoors.
May 27, 2020

On May 20th, School of Life Sciences conducted live streaming of the course of Zoology Experiment outdoors in wildlife world. The course was explained by teacher Zhang Zhenguo, attracting more than 350 students and nearly 50,000 netizens.

Affected by the epidemic, students are unable to go to SDNU to study. In order to ensure the quality of teaching, teachers of the School of Life Sciences give full play to their strengths, overcome various difficulties, and come up with a variety of ways to carry out online teaching.

This live course not only completes the teaching task of experimental course, but also gives play to the function of university teachers to serve the society with their own professional knowledge, which provides an example for further innovating the online teaching method.