Young Teacher of SDNU is Elected to the 13th Committee of the Provincial Youth Association.
December 27, 2019

From December 17th to 18th, the plenary session of the 13th Committee of Shandong Youth Association and the 12th Congress of Shandong Student Association were held in Shandong hall. Zhao Jingxin, a young teacher of SDNU, was elected to be a member of the 13th Committee of the Provincial Youth Association.

Zhao Jingxin started as a teacher in July 2007, and now she is the deputy director, professor and doctoral supervisor of the school of psychology of SDNU. She has published more than 40 articles in Journal of Youth and Adolescence,Journal of psychology and other important academic journals at home and abroad, participated in the compilation of many textbooks and works, and won various award for many times.