The Report of the CPPCC National Committee Member Was Held in SDNU
March 27, 2018
the United Front

On March 21st 2018, the report of the CPPCC National Committee member on the NPC &CPPCC was held in Qianfoshan Campus in SDNU. The member of the CPPCC National Committee, Professor Li Yeping from School of Journalism and Communication shared her experience in "NPC and CPPCC" event with 300 teachers and students. The report was chaired by director of the United Front, Sui Wenhui.

In her report, Li Yeping affectionately talked about the excited moment of attending the opening of the CPPCC National Committee and the opening ceremony of the NPC.She then explained the work reports of the government, the CPPCC Standing Committee, the CPPCC National Committee as well as the Supreme people's court and the Supreme people's procuratorate. She said that the government’s work report described all aspects of national development and people's life with full and accurate data,ranging from the space industry which shows national strength to the livelihood of the people's rural toilet revolution. It embodied the idea that the party and the government practice the people-centered concept of development.

Li Yeping expounded the views on the development of cultural industry in the background of the new era, she also expressed the views on the "double - class" construction of colleges and universities.Finally, Li Yeping's hoped that the students should actively integrate into the new trend of the era, to become the witnesses,pioneers as well as builders of the new era.