The Training for Key Teachers in Kashgar Was Launched in SDNU.
October 20, 2021

On the morning of October 12th, the training for key teachers in Kashgar region of Xinjiang was launched in the Qianfoshan Campus of SDNU.

At the launching ceremony, vice president of SDNU, Xing Guang gave a welcome speech, briefly introduced SDNU’ s history, development achievements and outstanding contributions to local economic and social development, put forward specific requirements for the teaching service guarantee work, and expressed good wishes to the students.

The trainee representatives said they would cherish the training opportunity, focus on understanding and discussion, and strive to learn and gain solid learning results in return for Shandong Province aiding Xinjiang work headquarters and Kashgar regional Education bureau’s care and love to frontline teachers.

The training course will last 19 days. Experts and scholars from Shandong Normal University and other institutions as well as outstanding primary and secondary school teachers from Jinan and Qingdao will be invited to give lectures and case studies through classroom lectures, on-site teaching, observation and research, discussion and exchange and other teaching methods.

Translated by Zhang Guowen

Reviewed by Zheng Tong

Edited by Jia Bingbo