Students of SDNU Won a Good Performance in the 23rd CUBA Cheerleading Championship.
March 31, 2021

From March 21st to 24th, the northeast division of the CUBA Cheerleading Championship was held in Qingdao, Shandong province. The "115Team" of SDNU won first place and "Best popularity" award, and got the qualification to march to the final four national competitions.

There are 16 members in the team of "115Team" of SDNU. He Yezhi, the assistant to director of the school of Physical Education of SDNU, is the leader of the team. Ye Wenjuan, a young teacher, holds the post of the head coach.

During the winter vacation, the team members began to train online. After the beginning of the semester, the coaches led all the team members to use the rest time to train hard and overcome many difficulties.

Translated by Ji Zerui

Reviewed by Zhang Guowen

Edited by Jia Bingbo