SDNU Held a Signing Ceremony for the Subject Competition Center.
December 1, 2020

On November 27th, the signing ceremony for the Subject Competition Center was held in Changqinghu Campus. Man Baoyuan attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. The directors of 8 subject competition centers and related personnel attended the ceremony, which was presided over by Chen Zhenzhen.

Man Baoyuan awarded the plaques in turn, and Chen Zhenzhen signed the construction assignments with directors in charge of the subject competition centers. Jian Jinfeng introduced his personal work experience in organizing and coaching competitions during 15 years.


Man Baoyuan pointed out that subject competitions can provide a quantifiable and comparable basis for promoting the construction of first-class majors and the quality of talent training. It is also an important way to improve the social reputation and social influence of SDNU.

SDNU plans to carry out projects with the goal of gradually cultivating and building a group of demonstrative institutions and continuously improving the quality of talent training.

Translated by Guo Liying

Reviewed by He Peilin

Edited by Jia Bingbo