From October 11th to 13th, the first Shandong Youth Historian Forum was jointly held by Historical Society of Shandong and Shandong Normal University in Changqinghu Campus.Nearly 100 young historiographers from more than 10 universities participated in the forum.

On the morning of the 12th, the opening ceremony of the forum, which was chaired by Mao Rui,was opened in the First Conference Hall in Changqinghu Campus.Wan Guangxia,Xu Qing,Zhao Xingsheng,Zhu Yafei,Huang Xiuzhi delivered speeche srespectively, scholars, students and teachers of the School of History and Culture attended the ceremony.
The forum lasted for three days, divided into three sub-sessions.The keynote speakers reported the main viewpoints and argumentation logic of their respective research results, and the participating scholars conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges around the theoretical, empirical and historical frontiers and hot issues, and reached consensus on many issues. On the morning of the 13th, after the end of sub-sessions,Professor Han Dongyu gave a report for young scholars participating in the forum.At the closing ceremony of the conference,Professor Liu Yufeng and Zhang Juncheng made speeches.