On January 30th, Guan Zhiou, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and theDirector of Propaganda Department, came to visit Mr. An Zuozhang, a famous historian, and sent his greetings and wishes for the New Year. Wang Hongyong and Shang Zhixiao were also present.
Guan Zhiou carefully inquired about Mr. An's health, life, scientific research and so on. He paid high tribute to Mr. An. He spoke highly of Mr. An's achievements in the history of Qin and Han Dynasties, Qilu culture and official system. He also expressed appreciation for Mr. An's important role in the research and interpretation of official system, the inheritance and innovation of Qilu culture. Guan Zhiou said that old experts and scholars are precious wealth for the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences. He also hoped that Mr. An would take good care of his health and make excellent works when his health permits, so as to flourish Shandong philosophy and Social Sciences culture and serve the construction and Realization of a modern Province in the new era.