On December 7th, Markus Lupertz, a representative artist of German neo-expressionism, came toSDNU for academic exchange. Yue Haitao,Director of School of Fine Arts, Song Jiguo, Secretary of the Party Committee, met Mr. Marcus Lupeltz ,Liu Yanchun, General Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Art Museum, Li Sheng, Director of the Academic Research Department of Shandong Art Museum, and Ms. Li Jiayi,representative of the Bell Art Center of Germany in Qianfoshan Campus.Liu Mingbo and Liu Dongfeng,Deputy Directors of School of Fine Arts participated in the meeting.

After the welcome ceremony, the seminar on German Neo-expressionism was held in the conference hall of Qianfoshan Campus. The seminar was chaired by Yue Haitao. Yue Haitao welcomed Mr. Lupertz and introduced his artistic career and background. In his thanks and speeches, Lupertz expressed his sincere appreciation and respect for the traditional Chinese painting art, pointing out that new vitality of artistic innovation should be radiated through the birth of new artists. Professor Liu Qingyan,Professor Liu Bin, Professor Liu Lei, Professor Liu Mingbo and other participants successively discussed the innovation of German neo-expressionism painting and its historical background art, the relationship between new art and traditional art, the traditional Chinese painting with Lyupeltz.